Friday, November 7, 2008

God is working...did i say that already!?

I am in Bugiri, Norman, Sarah and I are about to get supplies for the kids to have a very nutritious and wonderful meal for tomorrow!!!

We started out the day with the forced delivery of a still-born baby goat, it was awful i almost threw up! After coming to town we found an amazing gift from some friends back in the states!

I was on facebook yesterday and said Hi to Chris Mason, one of my friends from Southwestern who
now works for another company...and he asked what he could do to help us...of course I said MONEY! He gathered together with the help of his parents, Aaron Yager, and Daniel Boyce also from southwestern, $700!! Which in Ugandan Shillings is over 1 million shillings!

So in your prayers please thank God for them and for all the amazing things we will do with the money...paying off our bills at the local clinic, also buying posho, beef, matooke, ground nuts, a really great local fruit called fene, or jack fruit, along with seeds to plant more of a variety next season.

Our goal is to diversify the kids diet, because they eat the same thing every single day and it is not enough to keep them healthy.

It is going to be an amazing weekend, the last one with the kids...

Rick Volk has done so much to help the kids with his donations and he is also funding a trip to the beach for all of us the day i leave!! We need some fresh fish for all our efforts! Thank you all so much for reading and for praying.

Throughout the trip, I am feeling God more so than ever right now, it seems like everyday he throws me a new loop, new challenges and new gifts from above.

My good friend Nate said that one of the best tips of advice ever given to him about how to stay happy in marriage was LGM...stands for Love God More...I think that is good advice for LIFE!

So thank you God for helping us to see your work and I just pray that you will guide our hands to do your will....
Many blessings...

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